Mgr. Jiří Pour

Jiří Pour is a founder and partner of the coLEGAL law firm. Prior to its founding, he worked in one of the most prominent Czech law firms for more than 6 years, having worked his way up to being a managing associate.
In his practice, he specialises in dispute resolution, including representation in court, real estate law, contract law, corporate law and competition.
He has successfully dealt with a number of important business cases and litigations, for clients from railway, energy, but also other business sectors. Noteworthy examples include the representation of a client in a series of medialised lawsuits worth several billions of CZK concerning legal relations with a major railway station, negotiations of contractual sanctions worth hundreds of millions of CZK in connection with the modernisation of railway vehicles and representation of a client from the field of energy in disputes concerning relations between shareholders and former management. In the area of competition, he assisted both clients affected by unfair competition practices as well as those investigated by competition authorities.
In terms of non-contentious proceedings, he provided legal advice in connection with acquisitions of companies in the field of IT or advertising, as well as legal support for clients in major real estate transactions.
- Faculty of Law, Charles University (2016, master’s degree)
- Institute of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (2014, bachelor’s degree)
- Facultad de Derecho, Universitat de Barcelona (2014)
- Czech
- English
- Spanish
- Czech bar exam
We look forward to working with you.